Friday, November 9, 2012

My Love

One of my joys in life is my family. Most important my neices and nephews. Here is a picture of my neice Azanae...I love here like she was my own...oh this is a old picture but one of my favorites.


  1. Hello Ashley!
    Rachel Hendrix here:) I really like the photo of you and your niece. You two seem so happy. My niece drew a pic of me and i also posted it on my blog. It seems as though we have quite a bit in common. Just like you I have a niece, I'm not married, and I don't have any kids.
    Sometimes we as adults try to show or tell our youth the best way or ways to be Successful,but unfortunately we don't understand that there is not recipe for it. We don't realize that the most important role model in our youth's lives are us. They will choose to mimic us quicker than anyone else. So I encourage you Ashley to keep setting the bar high for your niece (as you already are) so that she can continue to Dream Big!- Good Post!

  2. Hi Ashley,
    Your blog is great. You look so much alike in your photograph. Having a good relationship with your family certainly helps when making relationships in your professional world. You have already have that experience and that's awesome. Love is the greatest thing. Family is so important and healthy relationships.

  3. Ashley,

    One of the reasons why I decided to go into teaching is because of my siblings. I am the oldest of five and help my mother raise them. I see the impact I had on them in some of the careers they have chosen for themselves and even in the way they do everyday task. Influence is a very powerful thing, and we cannot take it lightly.
