Sunday, December 1, 2013

Conflict Resolution

In considering disagreements and/or conflicts I have recently experienced one strategy or approach that I could have used would be the win/win approach. "The win/win approach is about changing the conflict from adversarial attack and defense, to co-operation.
It is a powerful shift of attitude that alters the whole course of communication (CRN)." In my instance, I was having an issue with my assistant and feeling like she was  basically not doing her job in the classroom. I felt that because she had been in that class for a long time and no one has said anything about her actions that she felt as if she was doing anything wrong. In my case, even though I didn't say anything to her and management did nothing to help the problem that I just let it go and did nothing about it. Instead of saying something to her I basically picked up her slack because in the end it all fell on me anyways. I had gotten to the point where I only expected her to do what she usually did which was nothing. She never really interacted with the kids and didn't help when it came to planning. I think another reason I sat back and didn't say anything because I didn't know who how to approach the situation and I didn't think she would respect my thoughts because she had been their much longer than I had and was older than I was. Anyways, I think the win/win approach would work because its a resolution that focuses on us coming up with a way to work together and both of our needs and wants are met. By working on our needs and not just a solution we can address all our
issues. "Addressing each person's underlying needs means you build solutions that acknowledge and value those needs, rather than denying them (CRN)."
I think another approach I could have used would be the creative response approach to conflict. This approach is about turning problems into possibilities. In my issue, I never really approached the situation. I just complained about how bad it was but never did anything about it. I could have chose to see what could be done, rather than staying with how terrible it all was.

Conflict Resolution Network. (n.d.) CR Kit.

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