Monday, December 23, 2013
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Stages of Team Development
Abudi, G. (2010). The five stages of team development: A case study. Retrieved from
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Conflict Resolution
It is a powerful shift of attitude that alters the whole course of communication (CRN)." In my instance, I was having an issue with my assistant and feeling like she was basically not doing her job in the classroom. I felt that because she had been in that class for a long time and no one has said anything about her actions that she felt as if she was doing anything wrong. In my case, even though I didn't say anything to her and management did nothing to help the problem that I just let it go and did nothing about it. Instead of saying something to her I basically picked up her slack because in the end it all fell on me anyways. I had gotten to the point where I only expected her to do what she usually did which was nothing. She never really interacted with the kids and didn't help when it came to planning. I think another reason I sat back and didn't say anything because I didn't know who how to approach the situation and I didn't think she would respect my thoughts because she had been their much longer than I had and was older than I was. Anyways, I think the win/win approach would work because its a resolution that focuses on us coming up with a way to work together and both of our needs and wants are met. By working on our needs and not just a solution we can address all our issues. "Addressing each person's underlying needs means you build solutions that acknowledge and value those needs, rather than denying them (CRN)."
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Who am I as a Communicator?
In thinking about the differences and similarities between how I evaluated myself as a communicator and how others evaluated me, there were more similarities than differences. One thing that surprised me was how my colleague viewed me as a communicator. She viewed me as be the type of person that is not afraid to communicate or speak my mind. She perceived me as being a person that feels comfortable and confident communicating. To me this was surprising because at work I don’t communicate as well as I would like. I am effective when I communicate with my parents but when it comes to communicating with my colleagues I tend to be more quiet and reserved. I would say that my lack of communicating with my colleagues comes from the environment in which I work. For the most part my results were correct about the type of communicator that I am. In the results I received when I evaluated myself, it revealed that I am empathetic and concerned with the emotions of others, which is true. I am genuinely concerned for others and sometimes put their needs above my own. I can see how this could also interfere with my judgment because I try and see the best in everyone and I tend to be very trusting. It also showed me that when communicating sometimes I lack confidence in my speaking but that is because I worry about what others say or think. These evaluations have opened my eyes and showed me areas in which I need to improve in order to be an effective communicator.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Communicating with Different Cultures
Question 1: Do you find yourself communicating differently with people from different groups and cultures?
Question 2: If yes, in what ways do you communicate differently?
I have realized that when I am communicating with my Spanish speaking parents I tend to ise my hands a lot. Sometimes its hard for us to communicate with one another so I guess I try to use gestures to help me communicate. I also use written communication. I translate all written paper work to Spanish so that all my families are aware of whats going on in our classroom. I have some Spanish speaking parents that send notes that they have translated to English in order to communicate with me. Some of my other parents know some words in English, so sometimes I am able to catch on to what they are trying to say.
When communicating with some of my Spanish speaking students, I use pictures to help me communicate. It helps that I have learned some Spanish words and phrases to help me communicate.
Communication is not always my strongest area. I communicate differently when I am with my friends than when I am hanging with my guy friend. When I am with my friends, I talk up a storm. Expressing my feelings is easy. When I am with my guy friend, I am quiet as a mouse. We have been friends for years and when it somes to talking, I become a very private person.
Three Strategies to Help Communicate Effectively
● Learn more about how different cultures communicate. Learn a few phrases that could help me build a relationship with my parents.
●Become more confident is my speaking and expressing my thoughts. Feel free to speak my true feelings.
●Don't be afraid to ask questions.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Communication in Television
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Communication is Key....
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Professional Hopes and Goals
I hope that by working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds I will learn about different cultures and languages. I hope to learn new traditions and customs. I also hope I can learn how different group function in a society where they are not seen as the norms and ways to help meet the needs of such diverse groups.
One goal you would like to set for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice
One goal that I would set for early childhood field would be to incorporate a lesson or activities into the curriculum that promotes diversity, equity, and social justice. I feel that we an stop discrimination and oppression by teaching equity to our younger generation.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Welcoming Families From Around the World
You are working in an early childhood setting of your choice—a hospital, a child care center, a social service agency. You receive word that the child of a family who has recently emigrated from a country you know nothing about will join your group soon. You want to prepare yourself to welcome the child and her family. Luckily, you are enrolled in a course about diversity and have learned that in order to support families who have immigrated you need to know more than surface facts about their country of origin.
The name of “your” family’s country of origin: Indonesia
At least five ways in which you will prepare yourself to be culturally responsive towards this family
- I will first learn about the language. I would try and learn some simple phrases that would help break the ice between me and the family.
- I would learn about their customs (i.e. how the communicate, dress, family roles, and etc.)
- I would research the schools there. What the children learn and in what way?
- I would learn about their food.
- I would think of ways I can include their culture into my classroom. How can I make the learning environment welcoming.
A brief statement describing in what ways you hope that these preparations will benefit both you and the family
I hope that these preparations would help my new family feel welcomed and at home. I think it will show my parents that different cultures are embraced and treated as equal. For me it would help me understand my family a little more before meeting them. It would give me an idea of their culture and how to communicate effectively with my new family.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Perspectives on Diversity and Culture
For this assignment, we were asked to talk to at least three people and ask their definition of culture and diversity. The three people I chose to talk to were my mother, my male friend, and my teaching assistant.
For the most part, I got the same response on the definition of culture. From what I gathered, they all believe culture to be traditions, views, and beliefs of a group, typically based on their ethnicity or cultural background. My teaching assistant is Indian and to her culture involves things such has how she dresses, what she eats, and even how she interacts with others.
When I asked the for their definition of diversity, the response that I received was, "It's what makes us unique and different." Its a mixture of our language, gender, economic stand point, political views. To those I asked, it could be a number of things.
The answer I received seem to reflect some of what I have learned thus far about culture and diversity. When looking at someone's culture we look at their beliefs and traditions. What we miss is that someone's culture is not always a direct reflection of their ethnicity. Culture is more than just the color of your skin or what others perceive to be the norm of that group. One's family culture can be different from the dominant culture. Diversity can consist of so many things and can be viewed as things that make us different from other cultures. Diversity can also be seen as not having any connection to a particular culture. It would refer to sexual orientation and political views.
In reflecting on the thinking's of others, it has shown me that their is still a lot for me to learn when I comes to culture and diversity but I feel that I am on the right path.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
My Family Culture
A major catastrophe has almost completely devastated the infrastructure of your country. The emergency government has decided that the surviving citizens will be best served if they are evacuated to other countries willing to take refugees. You and your immediate family are among the survivors of this catastrophic event. However, you have absolutely no input into the final destination or in any other evacuation details. You are told that your host country’s culture is completely different from your own, and that you might have to stay there permanently. You are further told that, in addition to one change of clothes, you can only take 3 small items with you. You decide to take three items that you hold dear and that represent your family culture.
My Response
Trying to decided of three items I would take that represent my family culture was a task. For me, I don't have many items that I feel would reflect my family and our culture. I know for sure, I would bring my bible. For me, my spirituality and religion play a huge role in who I am and how I live my life. It is a direct reflection of my families beliefs. I would explain to other that this item is important because it gives me hope and connects me to a much higher being. It gives me in faith in a society that has been destroyed due to the catastrophe.
The second item I would take would be my family photo album. I would take this because it shows where I have come from. It contains photos of several generations and is a big part of my life. It is the way I stay connected my families history. I would explain to others that it is a huge part of who I am. By bringing this I am able to keep the history of my family alive and I am able to share it with future generations, so they will know where they come from. Not only is it filled with pictures, each picture has a story and a memory that I can keep alive.Its a reflection of where I have been and where my family has been.
Coming up with a third item to bring is hard. As I sit here and type this, my mind is coming to a blank. I am struggling to think of something that would be a representation of my family culture and in all honesty I can't think of anything that would. I think I'm struggling with coming up with items to bring because my culture is not reflected my material items or things that you touch. It's in the way I live my life. I'ts the way I was brought up and the customs and beliefs of my family that shows my culture. Even if I was told I could only bring one item, I don't think I would struggle with what to bring. I would take my family photo album, not to say my bible is not important to my culture, but to me it is something that I would live without because I'm very familiar with its word. I don't need it in my possession for it to have relevance. I can still have my faith and spirituality without having my bible. Once lost the photos in my family album can not be replaced.
As a result of this exercise, I am able to see that my families culture is not reflected my items but in how I speak, interact with others and live my life overall. Once I have children, it will be reflected in how i raise them. Its who I am and not what I have the shows it.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
When I Think of Research....
When it comes to planning a research project in early childhood, it is important to think about the issues that are faced in the field and consider how a research project can make a change. You should also consider your interest and the interest of others. When designing a research project, one must understand that it takes times. Good design will ensure that your research provides you with data that enable you to achieve what you set out to achieve--whether it is to describe, understand or explain what interest you (Naughton, 2010). Your design is your plan that will address specific questions and their expected outcomes. In conducting research one must first gain permission from participants. I think one of the major things that has been stress and just making sure the data collected supports your topic and is accurate and valid.
My biggest challenge throughout this process was just making sure I comprehend the information I read. At time I was lost but I think by rereading the text and putting the information in my own words. I was able to better understand it. My perception of an early childhood professional is still the same. I still see us as important members of society, that work hard to provide better learning experience for the children.
Before I end my blog, I would like to thank my colleagues for all their input and thoughts. THANK YOU!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Research Around the World
Early Childhood Australia is seen as the equivalent to the U.S based NAEYC. It provides information on their Code of Ethics, position statements, early childhood news, and other EC information. In viewing the website, I noticed that a lot of the international topics relate to issues that children, families and EC professionals in the U.S. These topics include:
- Quality improvement
- Secure transitions
- Partnerships
- Respecting diversity
- Learning and teaching through play
- Building confident learners
- Bullying
- Supportive relationships
- Health, and many other topics.
The nightly news creates an atmosphere of fear about the outside worlds, as we view images of violence that reinforces a perceptions that it's not safe to be outside. So we protect our children even more, and in doing so we remove them from the natural environment and move indoors. In our desire to 'keep children safe' we create play environments that a devoid of adventure and interest (National Quality Standard Professional Learning Program, 2013).
To me this article caught my attention because it was interesting to see how play is viewed in the Australian community. Though this may not be the view of all that live in Australia, it was shocking to read that parents fear for their child's safety when they simple do something that many take for granted.
What I also found interesting about this web site for this organization was that there was a section devoted to school readiness and children's transitions. In this section it provides parents, caregivers, and educators with resources that will assist them in helping children make the transition from child care to preschool and preschool to school. This section would be very useful especially with school beginning this Wednesday in the area I live. For most of the kids attending my Pre-K class have never been away from their parents, especially not for majority of the day. From my experience, those children have a hard time separating from those parents. This section of the web site would be helpful in giving ideas on how to make that transition smooth for the child, parent, and teacher.
Early Childhood Austrialia (2013)
National Quality Standard Professional Learning Program. (2013). Talking about Practice: Adventurous
play- Developing a culture of risky play. Retrieved
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Research that Benefits Children and Families-Uplifting Stories
Gardner, A. (2011). Does obesity affect school performance?. CNN Health. Retrieved from
Marcus, L. & Baron, A. (n.d.). Childhood Obesity: The Effects on Physical and Mental Health. The Child
Study Center. Retrieved from
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Reseach Journal Entry #1
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 3
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Sharing Web Resources
""Stop Bullying" by Sanggar Anak Akar (Indonesia | 2010-2011)" |
"Tanadgoma – Library and Cultural Center for People with Disabilities (Georgia | 2011-2012)" |
""Stop Trafficking" by Sanggar Anak Akar (Indonesia | 2010-2011)" |
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Getting to Know My International Contacts—Part 2
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Sharing Web Resources
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Issues and Trends: Poverty
Childhood Poverty Reserach and Policy Centre:
World Forum Foundation Radio.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Sharing Web Resources
the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).
I have decided that I wanted to focus on another organization instead, one that has recently caught my attention. The organization is the Global Fund for Children and they focus on helping children regain their innocents and help them enjoy their childhood by allowing them to just be kids. They work with trafficked children, refugees and child laborers all around the world. They transform the lives of children on the edge of society by helping the regain their rights and pursue their dreams. Global Fund for Children invest in organizations that enable the most vulnerable children in their communities to thrive. This organization does a lot of great work that benefits children in harsh situations.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Getting Ready—Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources
References:Canadian Child Care Federation: http://www.cccf-fcsge.caNational Assocaition for the Education of Young Children:
Friday, April 12, 2013
My Supports
Saturday, March 30, 2013
My Connections to Play
"Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood, for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child's soul."
-Friedrich Froebel
"Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity."
-Kay Redfield Jamison
The most essential item I needed to play was a free open space and trees that I would climb. Paradise. |