Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Passion for Early Childhood Quotes

"We as professional in the early Childhood Field have an opportunity to shape a child's life for the better." 
-Sandy Escobido

"You've got to take your ego out of it and think about what's best for the child."
-Renatta M. Cooper

Food for Thought

When sensitive caregivers meet individual needs, they also may be
meeting cultural needs. However,without specific cultural information, caregivers can inadvertently use practices that undermine parents’ efforts and tread on their cultural values. (Mena & Bhavnagri 2006) 

...early childhood teacher preparation and 
professional development must help all teachers gain knowledge and practice skills that contribute to the educational achievement of all children.
(Ray, Bowman, & Robbins, 2006)


Mena, J.G, Bhavnagri, N. P. (2006) Diversity in Infant/Toddler Caregiving. Reprinted from A World of Difference, chapter 8, 2003. Retrieved November 21, 2012 from
Ray, A., Bowman, B., Robbins, J. (2006) Preparing Early Childhood Teachers to Successfully Educate all Children: The Contribution of Four-Year Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Programs. Retrieved November 21, 2012 from

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Personal Childhood Web

This is a picture of me, my brother and my mother. My mom has always been there for me. She has taught me a lot. Growing up I could always count on my mom to help me through anything. She always made sure I had any and everything I wanted. She made sure I kept up with school and even got me involved in different after school activities. She made sure me and my brother didn't want for anything. My mom always makes sure that I'm okay, no matter where I am. She checks on me frequently and always asks about my day. My senior year of high school my mom had an aneurysm. That was the scariest moment in my life. The doctors told us she wasn't going to make it and as a teenage girl that broke my heart. To think that the person I loved and cared so much about might not make it, but she did. I'm so blessed to have this women in my life. I don't know what I would do without her.
 Growing up my big brother was my protector. He always made sure that no one harmed me and that I was taken care of. I remember one day I was walking home from school and this boy started picking on me and out of nowhere my brother pulled up. He jumped out the car and stopped the boy from messing with me. No matter what was going on my brother was there for me, especially when no one else was. Now our relationship isn't as strong as it use to be. He now lives in Chicago and we haven't seen each other or spoken to each other in a while. Even though we are far apart in my mind he is still my protector.
This is a picture of me and my father when I graduated from college. As a child, my father wasn't around a lot. It wasn't because he didn't want to be but he was (and still is) a truck driver, so I didn't see him that often. Even though he was gone a lot, I always knew he cared. When he could visit he did, and when he couldn't I did. As a child he lived back in Houston, Texas and I lived in Atlanta, Georgia, so whenever I had a vacation or break from school I visited him. I always knew he cared for me because he would call and just talk to me about school or anything I wanted. Now, as an adult our relationship is even better. He still drives trucks but he now lives here in Atlanta. We have a strong relationship. He is my best friend. I can talk to him about any and everything. We talk often and if our schedules permit we have daddy-daughter day. That usually involves us going to church and out to lunch. When we get together we just sit and talk about whats been going on in our lives. 
This is my favorite cousin/big sister. When I was younger she lived with us. As a baby I use to sleep in her room and everywhere she went I wanted to go.   As a little girl I wanted to be just like her. Growing up she taught me a lot about how to be a strong women and how to never give up during hard times. She was my role model and still is. She encourages me and gives me advice. My big cousin is not just my big cousin but she is my sister. To this day, I still call her just to let her know whats new in my life and when I doubt myself she   encourages me to keep moving forward. I wish we didn't live so far apart but I know I can always count on her for anything.
This is my step-father. He has been apart of my life since I was about 5 years old. Honestly, growing up I didn't really care for my step-father. I guess as a child I thought he was trying to take the place of my father. So, I will admit I gave him a hard time, sometimes. No matter what I did though, he still showed me love and affection. He was there for me and taught me a lot about  being independent. When my father couldn't be there, he was not matter what the occasion was. As I got older I started to see how much he cared and loved me. He treated me like I was his child. In a way I am, I mean he has been around for majority of my life. He has supported me and taught me a lot of life long lessons. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

My Love

One of my joys in life is my family. Most important my neices and nephews. Here is a picture of my neice Azanae...I love here like she was my own...oh this is a old picture but one of my favorites.

Childrens Art Work

My last semester I had to complete a whole semester in a classroom. I guess you can call it interening but it was known as Student Teaching. Well anyways, I was taught third grade during this time and I must say leaving them was so hard to do. I recieved seveal drawings and letters from my kids and I still miss them to this day. Here are a two drawings I recieved.

We Teach Children

Here is a poem by Ina Hughs titled "We Teach Children." This poem is special to me because it was given to me by one of my professor at college and has touched me. This poem is my motivation and shows a little why I want to teach. Hope you like it.

We Teach Children
by Ina Hughs
We teach children
Who put chocolate fingers everywhere.
Who like to be tickled.
Who stomp in puddles and ruin their new shoes.
Who sneak popsicles before supper.
Who erase holes in math workbooks.
Who can never find their pencil.
We teach children
Who never get dessert.
Who have no safe blanket to drag behind them.
Who don't have a room to clean up.
Whose pictures aren on anybodys' dresser.
Whose monsters are real.
Who squeeze toothpaste all over the sink.
We teach children
Who spend al their allowance before Tuesday.
Who throw tantrums in the grocery store.
Who pick at thier food.
Who like ghost stories.
Who squirm in church and scream in the phone.
Whose tears we sometimes laugh at and whose smiles can make us cry.
We teach children
Who will eat anything.
Who have never seen a dentist.
Who aren't spoiled by anybody.
Who want to be carried and those we must.
Who will grap the hand of anybody kind enough to offer it.
Who don't get a second chance.